Training Tip: Ground Tying the Easy Way

I find lunging a horse on a line or in a round pen free before you ride them or work with them can help a lot in keeping their energy at a desired level to work with.  If you have treated your horse fairly then he’s not going to run away from you, more likely he will  follow you. This makes for a good ground tying foundation.

When I really want to work on the ground tie I like to use a 20 ‘ lead rope with a thin rope halter so that I can walk away from the horse and check the lead, using a quick tug and release, if the horse moves towards me.  When I don’t want a horse to walk towards me I check the lead line with my left hand while I raise my right hand above my head as a signal to stand still.  I use the word whoa when I check the line so when I don’t have a lead line they will hear me and stop.

When I catch my horse to groom, ride or work with I don’t tie them up.  This way every time I bring them out I am teaching them to ground tie.  I am always ready to check the lead rope if they start to move while I am brushing or saddling.  When I am brushing or saddling there is always some eye contact so that I am not late if the horse moves. One must think quicker than the horse. You must be able to see the horse move before he actually does and if you are paying attention you can see it coming.

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